Spiritual Development Teaching | God Will Live With Man

Spiritual Teachings from Aquarius - Spiritual Teacher HafedIn this spiritual development teaching Hafed questions how much we love God and what we are prepared to give up for Him.

He tells us that only by following God’s laws will we find peace of mind, contentment and joy.

Hafed then reminds us that God has said that His Tabernacle (place of abode) is with man and that he will wipe away all our tears, there shall be no more pain, no more suffering, no more death.  Hafed says that these words refer to a time that is soon to come when the darkness, greed, misery of man is no more.

Hafed starts his spiritual development teaching:

I greet you beloved in the name of love and in the name of him whom I call Lord and Master.  About His business this day I have come.  God bless you.

It seems to me that many centuries have passed since that fruitful hour when my colleagues and I journeyed to a small place called Bethlehem.  There in a most humble abode, a stable no less, we found a small child who was and still is the Lord Most High.  Sometimes it is difficult, when I glance back over time itself, to comprehend all that has happened.  When I think of all the wonders upon wonders this small child, growing up to manhood, has accomplished.  It is most difficult to understand fully how the world at large today could have grown so far away from Him in every respect, both in ignorance and in evil.

Today, there are far lands where starvation, death and disease are ripe upon the tree of misery.  Countries where terrible wars defy description and terror and fear are very much alive in the hearts of those who dwell there.  If you were to ask the people there what they consider to be the greatest gift a man could possess I have no doubt they would say “Peace of mind”.  It is without price and in no way can be bought in the market places of the world.  Above all else, nothing can bring to you the contentment, which comes with peace.

Outside is a beautiful day that God has given you; the sun shines brightly in the clear blue sky.  You have few troubles but think you have many.  You do not know how blessed you are.  In addition to all these blessings you have one added thing: you have the knowledge of God.  You have that seed of truth within you, which bears the hallmark of salvation, not only to you but also to as many as you will impart it to.  The alternative is to fall into the pit of disaster, fear and starvation, which has befallen those very sorrowful nations far from this land.

Consider what I have said to you; consider it well.  Here you have a treasure that cannot in any way be purchased by anything in the world.  You are blessed with the time that lies before you, spanning out across the years yet to come.  But you have nothing in your minds as to what you will do with tomorrow, least of all the years that may lay ahead.  Yet you have the substance within you of a spiritual power to mould the tools of service to mankind.  To give of yourself, so your life may not lie idle in the bright lights and glamour of your world, or in the unfulfilled desires within you to become another rich person.  All this is dross, my children, like fools gold.  It is worthless and hence is worthless to your life.

Does your life mean anything to you at all?  If it does, then wake up and see clearly the way ahead.  Be thankful for what has been given to you by Him who is the Lord of all.  He has trusted you with those seeds of a new harvest, to be raised up in the minds of little children and men and women.  To bring them that eternal water which once they drink of, they will thirst no more.

Having received such gifts, I would like to help you to see their value, for truly it is clear to me that you do not.  They still lie hidden and the will to fulfill your own personal desires is still with you.  That, my children, is death not salvation.  The will of God must be with you.  It must be within your every thought to enhance every breath you take and every word you speak.  You have barely touched upon the magic of God, you barely understand the Spirit of God.  I, in my humble way, try to stir you from your slumber so you may see, feel and know for yourselves what treasures you possess, if you only knew how to manipulate them.

My children, peace of mind is linked with the will of God and the will of God is the Law under which you live.  I do not speak of mans’ law, which is of no account.  I speak of the will of God (the Law of God), which you live under though you may not realise it.  It matters little if you are aware of it or not.

There are many who believe that having received their punishment at the hands of the courts of the land, have fulfilled their debt to society.  But it is not so, because there is a higher court to which you are called to account and to abide by, namely the court of God, according to the Law of God.  That Law, my children, is subject only to what God has deemed man to live under.

Follow your feelings and your thoughts; ask yourself how much you love God so in some way you may measure just how short you fall.  Was there not someone in the Bible who was going to sacrifice his son to God?  Consider that for a while, for such was his love for God he was willing to give his own son in sacrifice.  He knew that God in his love and compassion would take care of his son and give him a better life.  Yet the sacrifice was not necessary because God had tested him and he was not found wanting.

A question that we do not ask ourselves very often is “How much we love God?”  I suspect we think it does not matter very much for after all, how can you measure the love within you?  Is there any instrument able to measure its height, depth, breadth and it’s quality?  Of course you are right, there is none, but love cannot be measured in that way.  It is not like water, it is not like flour, or any of these things.  It can only be measured by what you are prepared to give up for it.

What does it mean to you?  Are you perhaps prepared to give up something in your life in order to say to God, “I love you”?  If something you like doing was declared illegal would you be prepared to give it up to show God you love him and wish to follow his Laws?  Or would the test be too great, causing you to fail?  Would you not be able to accomplish that?  None of us would know because we cannot measure it, only you would know the depth of that love within you.

God demands you give up your very life into His hands.  This is why you are tested on many occasions, when those gathering clouds seem to blot out the very existence of the joy and happiness you once had.  When everything seems to be going against you, does it put a greater exertion on you?  Do you find it more difficult to go to your God in prayer?  Yet that is the very time when you should go to Him in prayer, even though you feel empty inside and cannot fully comprehend what He wants from you.  Or even when you doubt whether He exists at all.

But your loving Father does this for you, not out of meanness, not out of hatred, not out of pleasing His own whims.  He knows the only way for you to be strengthened is by coming face to face with pain and suffering, to bring you to that more perfect way of thinking and loving and respect for the gift of peace.  By testing your faith to see if you are weak, or if your love is strong.

You are not here in this life just to walk through it daily and do what you will, for there is far more for you than this.  How much of your time do you give to your father God compared to the pleasures of life that are always there?  How much of your time do you give to your brother who is in need?  How much of your time do you give to those teachers and helpers from spirit who labour to unfold you as the servant of God, so you may be raised up in the true spirit of grace and light?  All these are questions that you must ask yourself, for they belong to you.

Your Heavenly Father has said, “My tabernacle is with man, I shall wipe away all of his tears, there shall be no more pain, no more suffering, no more death.  They shall be my children, my sons, my daughters, and I shall be their God.”  He speaks of a time that is yet to be, when all the darkness has cleared from the skies of man, when the misery which roams across the face of the world because of the greed and jealousy of man, is no more.  So here we sit and talk of both great and small things, little realising that such a time may not be so far away as you imagine.  In that time you must give those electrifying words of truth and comfort to as many as will listen, for their salvation.  In an unseen time and an unseen land, they wait to receive what you have to offer.

So perhaps you can imagine the importance of all those words I have given to you, not just today but in all the years, months and weeks that have passed.  The very reason they have been committed to print is so you may read and digest, read and digest, read and digest.  So they may dwell within you and enable you to see the motive behind it all and the power that motivates that motive.  In order that you know and will not be found wanting for an answer when a question is raised: “Does God love us?  How can he love us when we are in such dire need?”

What will you say, my children?  What will be your answer?  When someone asks you, “Friend tell me, Is there a God above and does he care about us?”  What will be your answer, my children?  Your back would need to have suffered the same strikes and pain from the whip that also lashed them.  But will you be strong enough in your faith to say, “Be of good cheer, my son.  I tell you that your Father in Heaven loves you all and in a little while you will see his mercy shining upon you.  It will bring you salvation and you will live in a land of milk and honey”.

If you cannot believe this you will not be saying it.  In those words must also be that power to rejuvenate their faith and strengthen their minds against their fears, doubts and the hatred.  Yes, you will need to be all of this and have your love for God intact to give all that you have to Him, because you love Him.  Do not think He will be unmindful of you, or all the work that you have striven to do, because I tell you that He will not.  In these times you will be blessed with that peace that surpasses understanding and that love that gives fulfilment and contentment to your soul.  Ask yourself, “Was it all worth it?”  I say yes it surely was, for to be the servant of Him who is my Master is beyond description.

So my thoughts return to that time when as a child He lay in a stable and my companions and I went to visit Him.  There upon the hillsides were the shepherds tending their flocks and the air was charged with that holy power.  The angels of God said, “Peace on Earth and goodwill towards all men”.  It was the beginning and yet it was also the beginning of the end.

Lift up your face and feel humble that you have such opportunities before you.  Do not race hither and thither in search of this philosophy or that philosophy, for I have given you the truth and there is no more for you to know.  Read what I have said, digest what I have said and proclaim it as your own.  Then it will not fail you.

So, with these words my children, I will take my leave of you in the peace that you find and the love that you feel.  If I have perhaps made one or two a little ashamed then so be it, but I meant no harm but just to remind you in case you forget and are left behind.

Farewell, farewell.

This spiritual development teaching has been brought to you by Aquarius Teachings.

I greet you beloved in the name of love and in the name of him whom I call Lord and Master.About His business this day I have come.God bless you.

It seems to me that many centuries have passed since that fruitful hour when my colleagues and I journeyed to a small place called Bethlehem.There in a most humble abode, a stable no less, we found a small child who was and still is the Lord Most High.Sometimes it is difficult, when I glance back over time itself, to comprehend all that has happened.When I think of all the wonders upon wonders this small child, growing up to manhood, has accomplished.It is most difficult to understand fully how the world at large today could have grown so far away from Him in every respect, both in ignorance and in evil.

Today, there are far lands where starvation, death and disease are ripe upon the tree of misery.Countries where terrible wars defy description and terror and fear are very much alive in the hearts of those who dwell there.If you were to ask the people there what they consider to be the greatest gift a man could possess I have no doubt they would say “Peace of mind”.It is without price and in no way can be bought in the market places of the world.Above all else, nothing can bring to you the contentment, which comes with peace.

Outside is a beautiful day that God has given you; the sun shines brightly in the clear blue sky.You have few troubles but think you have many.You do not know how blessed you are.In addition to all these blessings you have one added thing: you have the knowledge of God.You have that seed of truth within you, which bears the hallmark of salvation, not only to you but also to as many as you will impart it to.The alternative is to fall into the pit of disaster, fear and starvation, which has befallen those very sorrowful nations far from this land.

Consider what I have said to you; consider it well.Here you have a treasure that cannot in any way be purchased by anything in the world.You are blessed with the time that lies before you, spanning out across the years yet to come.But you have nothing in your minds as to what you will do with tomorrow, least of all the years that may lay ahead.Yet you have the substance within you of a spiritual power to mould the tools of service to mankind.To give of yourself, so your life may not lie idle in the bright lights and glamour of your world, or in the unfulfilled desires within you to become another rich person.All this is dross, my children, like fools gold.It is worthless and hence is worthless to your life.

Does your life mean anything to you at all?If it does, then wake up and see clearly the way ahead.Be thankful for what has been given to you by Him who is the Lord of all.He has trusted you with those seeds of a new harvest, to be raised up in the minds of little children and men and women.To bring them that eternal water which once they drink of, they will thirst no more.

Having received such gifts, I would like to help you to see their value, for truly it is clear to me that you do not.They still lie hidden and the will to fulfill your own personal desires is still with you.That, my children, is death not salvation.The will of God must be with you.It must be within your every thought to enhance every breath you take and every word you speak.You have barely touched upon the magic of God, you barely understand the Spirit of God.I, in my humble way, try to stir you from your slumber so you may see, feel and know for yourselves what treasures you possess, if you only knew how to manipulate them.

My children, peace of mind is linked with the will of God and the will of God is the Law under which you live.I do not speak of mans’ law, which is of no account.I speak of the will of God (the Law of God), which you live under though you may not realise it.It matters little if you are aware of it or not.

There are many who believe that having received their punishment at the hands of the courts of the land, have fulfilled their debt to society.But it is not so, because there is a higher court to which you are called to account and to abide by, namely the court of God, according to the Law of God.That Law, my children, is subject only to what God has deemed man to live under.

Follow your feelings and your thoughts; ask yourself how much you love God so in some way you may measure just how short you fall.Was there not someone in the Bible who was going to sacrifice his son to God?Consider that for a while, for such was his love for God he was willing to give his own son in sacrifice.He knew that God in his love and compassion would take care of his son and give him a better life.Yet the sacrifice was not necessary because God had tested him and he was not found wanting.

A question that we do not ask ourselves very often is “How much we love God?”I suspect we think it does not matter very much for after all, how can you measure the love within you?Is there any instrument able to measure its height, depth, breadth and it’s quality?Of course you are right, there is none, but love cannot be measured in that way.It is not like water, it is not like flour, or any of these things.It can only be measured by what you are prepared to give up for it.

What does it mean to you?Are you perhaps prepared to give up something in your life in order to say to God, “I love you”?If something you like doing was declared illegal would you be prepared to give it up to show God you love him and wish to follow his Laws?Or would the test be too great, causing you to fail?Would you not be able to accomplish that?None of us would know because we cannot measure it, only you would know the depth of that love within you.

God demands you give up your very life into His hands.This is why you are tested on many occasions, when those gathering clouds seem to blot out the very existence of the joy and happiness you once had.When everything seems to be going against you, does it put a greater exertion on you?Do you find it more difficult to go to your God in prayer?Yet that is the very time when you should go to Him in prayer, even though you feel empty inside and cannot fully comprehend what He wants from you.Or even when you doubt whether He exists at all.

But your loving Father does this for you, not out of meanness, not out of hatred, not out of pleasing His own whims.He knows the only way for you to be strengthened is by coming face to face with pain and suffering, to bring you to that more perfect way of thinking and loving and respect for the gift of peace.By testing your faith to see if you are weak, or if your love is strong.

You are not here in this life just to walk through it daily and do what you will, for there is far more for you than this.How much of your time do you give to your father God compared to the pleasures of life that are always there?How much of your time do you give to your brother who is in need?How much of your time do you give to those teachers and helpers from spirit who labour to unfold you as the servant of God, so you may be raised up in the true spirit of grace and light?All these are questions that you must ask yourself, for they belong to you.

Your Heavenly Father has said, “My tabernacle is with man, I shall wipe away all of his tears, there shall be no more pain, no more suffering, no more death.They shall be my children, my sons, my daughters, and I shall be their God.”He speaks of a time that is yet to be, when all the darkness has cleared from the skies of man, when the misery which roams across the face of the world because of the greed and jealousy of man, is no more.So here we sit and talk of both great and small things, little realising that such a time may not be so far away as you imagine.In that time you must give those electrifying words of truth and comfort to as many as will listen, for their salvation.In an unseen time and an unseen land, they wait to receive what you have to offer.

So perhaps you can imagine the importance of all those words I have given to you, not just today but in all the years, months and weeks that have passed.The very reason they have been committed to print is so you may read and digest, read and digest, read and digest.So they may dwell within you and enable you to see the motive behind it all and the power that motivates that motive.In order that you know and will not be found wanting for an answer when a question is raised: “Does God love us?How can he love us when we are in such dire need?”

What will you say, my children?What will be your answer?When someone asks you, “Friend tell me, Is there a God above and does he care about us?”What will be your answer, my children?Your back would need to have suffered the same strikes and pain from the whip that also lashed them.But will you be strong enough in your faith to say, “Be of good cheer, my son.I tell you that your Father in Heaven loves you all and in a little while you will see his mercy shining upon you.It will bring you salvation and you will live in a land of milk and honey”.

If you cannot believe this you will not be saying it.In those words must also be that power to rejuvenate their faith and strengthen their minds against their fears, doubts and the hatred.Yes, you will need to be all of this and have your love for God intact to give all that you have to Him, because you love Him.Do not think He will be unmindful of you, or all the work that you have striven to do, because I tell you that He will not.In these times you will be blessed with that peace that surpasses understanding and that love that gives fulfilment and contentment to your soul.Ask yourself, “Was it all worth it?”I say yes it surely was, for to be the servant of Him who is my Master is beyond description.

So my thoughts return to that time when as a child He lay in a stable and my companions and I went to visit Him.There upon the hillsides were the shepherds tending their flocks and the air was charged with that holy power.The angels of God said, “Peace on Earth and goodwill towards all men”.It was the beginning and yet it was also the beginning of the end.

Lift up your face and feel humble that you have such opportunities before you.Do not race hither and thither in search of this philosophy or that philosophy, for I have given you the truth and there is no more for you to know.Read what I have said, digest what I have said and proclaim it as your own.Then it will not fail you.

So, with these words my children, I will take my leave of you in the peace that you find and the love that you feel.If I have perhaps made one or two a little ashamed then so be it, but I meant no harm but just to remind you in case you forget and are left behind.

Farewell, farewell.

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