Spiritual Development Teaching | Special Powers of Jesus

Spiritual Development Teaching - Special Powers of JesusIn this spiritual teaching Hafed discusses many fascinating topics including:

  • The Virgin birth.
  • How Jesus did His miracles.
  • Jesus had a different physical body to ours.
  • The impression on the Turin Shroud is that of Jesus, generated by the power of His body dematerialising.
  • Jesus had the power to teleport himself.
  • How the spirit world operates on a different vibrational level to ours.
  • How the wife of Pontius Pilate took the body of Jesus after the crucifixion and burial.
  • When Jesus comes again it will be in spirit, but he will look solid.
  • Mary’s miracles at Lourdes and Medjugorie.
  • The last supper ritual of breaking bread and drinking wine.
  • Judas was destined to betray Jesus.

Hafed starts his spiritual development teaching:

I greet you beloved in the name of love and in the name of Him who I call Lord and Master.  Peace be with each and every one of you.

I come in answer to a call, for a question has been asked.  As far as possible I will answer that question, even though my choice of words can only give to you a measure of the truth that lies behind the question.  You know that I am here controlling this physical body and you also know that while you are able to hear me speak, you cannot see me, unless of course I choose to allow that.

So it would seem that spirit returning to this world is not seen and cannot be touched by you.  But in the life that is to come for you, in the world from which I come, those who dwell there are as solid as you and all around them is as solid as you.  They appear like that to each other because they are all on the same vibration.  It is a vibration that is a lot quicker then the one in which you live, which is slower and coarser, hence the physical form here (on Earth) is much denser, much more solid.

Now many people reject the ideas of a virgin birth, for they say that Jesus was no more than a medium and there are many such as him in the world today.  But of course they do not see or understand the truth, or understand the law that is in operation through God.  If Jesus was just an ordinary man then that would make a virgin birth quite unnecessary, because He would have been a man like you, physical in every way.  But in this particular instance, Jesus came for a very special reason, therefore a virgin birth was very necessary, because He was born into the world as the Son of God.  Therefore had there been no virgin birth, He would have been the son of Joseph who was a man.  He would not be the Son of God.

The spirit that dwelt within the Lord himself was of a very high person and because He needed to be able to do the kind of miracles that He did, the flesh that was upon His body was not the same as your body.  True to say it was solid and touchable, but the spiritual power that passed through it was great and the body itself was no where near as coarse as yours as it was always on a higher vibration.  A kind of vibration that lays between this world and the one that you will go to.  These things were possible because with God all things are possible.  Hence the reason why He could do such miracles as walking on water, telling the storm to cease, raising the dead, curing the sick instantly and teaching with authority that no other man had ever taught.

No other prophet or holy man has had the authority to change one of the Laws of God, like Jesus.  He gave a new commandment and in so doing broke an old one, by saying, “Hither to, you have heard an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but a new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you.”  That word love came into it, perhaps more than it had ever been allowed to come into the lives of men before.  Mainly because men in the older days could not accept a law such as that, but when Jesus gave you that law he placed you all under the law of love which incorporated every commandment that was ever given you – that you love one another.

When Jesus was crucified, His body, not being the same as yours, was indeed taken into Heaven in a very mysterious way.  Little do people realise that the wife of Pontius Pilate was a follower of Jesus, without her husband even suspecting.  It was she and her servants who took the body of Jesus out of the tomb because she feared what would happen.  She didn’t realise that there was no need to do this really, because His body would have dematerialised of its own accord.

The body of Jesus was never found nor will it ever be found, because it was never here in the form that you are here.  Had he been here your form He would have had to obey the laws that govern the physical body.  However His body was under a new set of laws that were laid down by his Father.  This was the reason why His body dematerialised and later appeared to his disciples in solid form.  It was not like the materialisation of spirit, which is achieved through ectoplasm and yet cannot be touched.

His body was totally different which allowed Him to walk with them, talk with them and even sit down and eat with them, after his crucifixion.  It had to be this way.  It was a holy power within him and if only man could stop and see the reason why the Virgin birth had to be so, then he would be able to comprehend a great deal more of what took place.  Of course you are privileged to understand a lot more than they do.  You have been given the essence of that truth and it is for you to use it whenever the subject should arise.

Now it is written in the scriptures that Jesus fed the five thousand by continuing to break the small amount of bread and fishes that he had.  Where do you think that extra food came from?  Do you think he was a magician who had a magic wand?  No, he was using the Law of God.  The Law that says, God is the creator of all things and He is able to supply your needs.  Jesus used that Law to feed the multitude that was around Him on that day.

He was able to supply their needs, in accordance with God’s spiritual law.  How do you suppose that nature provides you with all your food if it is not given by God?  If it is not from God then pray tell me where it comes from.  Scientists cannot produce it, nor can they make one little seed that produces a flower, but God can.   Not only does He supply the seed but the fruit of the seed and the power within it to grow and prosper in that way.

So my children, a question was asked and I have done my best to provide an explanation.  Of course when Jesus comes again, as He will, it will be in the spirit, not in the flesh.  He will not be born as the children of men are born and grow to manhood.  He will come in the spirit and yet that spirit will be as solid as the one He wore all those years ago when He was with His disciples.

Jesus said, “If you had faith such as a mustard seed you could tell the mountain to be cast into the sea and it would obey you”, but you do not have that level of faith.  Many of you believe you have faith, yet you are not able to do the things that Jesus did.  It would not be possible to pass that power through you, because you are too coarse and too solid.  It would be outside of the natural spiritual law that provides and makes possible all these things that He was able to do.

There were times when he was among his disciples and the crowd grew angry and surged forward to stone Him.  What did He do?  All you read in the scriptures is that “He passed among them”.  What does that mean?  It means that he had the ability to transport Himself to another place.  Once again this provides evidence that He was not in the physical body like you and I.  His power was all embracing and there was nothing He could not do.

So you see, while there are many who would claim Him to be an ordinary medium like them, I have yet to see any of them raise the dead, walk on water or calm the storm.  When you question them about these miracles they will dismissively say, “He never did those things, it would be impossible to do”.  For them, yes it is impossible.  For him, no!

Man lives under material law and what one man can do, all men can do.  But that which is beyond man, comes from God and that is what I want you to see and understand.  You must also take into consideration the events that happened long after His death, relating to the virgin birth.  We have Mary appearing many times over the centuries and is still doing today.  She has performed miracles in Lourdes and Yugoslavia (Medjugorie).  What do we say to these things?  Do we bury our heads in the sand and say it isn’t happening?

There are thousands of people who have witnessed her miracles.  Should we dismiss such things as mass hypnotism?  I do not think so, my children.  I do not think you can throw off all the evidence just like that.  In particular the events which have taken place in Yugoslavia and indeed will continue there for some little time yet.  They are miracles that man cannot produce in any way at all.  It is no use saying that they didn’t happen because there are too many witnesses to say that they did.

So the deniers must continue to wander through life with their eyes closed and their mind only opened in one direction.  But the reality and the truth of it is as I have told to you.  Whether you believe it or not is entirely up to you, but one day when you’ve made the change called death, you will see it for yourself.  You will see it in operation for the law of God does not prevail here, but it does in those higher realms.

One day that same law will be fulfilled here in this world also, for it is said in the Lords prayer, “Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven”.  And so it shall be.  When Jesus said, “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the Earth”, that too shall come into being and that time is not as far away as man seems to think.  Unfortunately there will be a great deal more pain and suffering before that comes into operation, but come it will.

Have you any questions to ask me on that subject?


Was Mary chosen as Jesus’ mother before she was born?


Yes, before she was born.  All of that took place a very long time ago in the Kingdom of Heaven.  They were never souls that were like you, they were always highly evolved souls.  As I have said to you, there are many who do not need to come to Earth, but do so only to do a specific task for God.  When that task is done, then they go on their way back home.


At what point was the body of Jesus removed by Pontius Pilate’s wife?  Also did the body dematerialised after she had removed it?


Yes, when that body was removed it dematerialised before they had a chance to bury it.  They found nothing there and were completely lost for words and understanding.  Those who stood there when this happened saw the angels of God do just this.


I have always assumed that the impression on the Shroud of Turin was caused by an energy force when the body of Jesus dematerialised.  Is that correct?


That is quite right, even though your scientists seem to have proved that it is not.  This is what I am talking about when I talk about the power that Jesus was made of.


Yes I have always assumed this, so could one say that the Turin Shroud is in fact the genuine article?


It surely is and it doesn’t matter what they say.  You must realise that a lot of these things, like the planting of a prophet’s staff, which turned into a bush of flowers.  Even proof such as this, and some of these are still there and can be seen, has not been accepted by man.  It was never meant for him to accept it but only to those who were the children of God; the believers in God.  They could, for it was in them to do so, but for others it was just something to be ridiculed.  Had science proved that the Turin shroud was in fact true, there would have been a great weight of truth revealed to man and that altogether would not have been good.

Why do you suppose that God has given you free will?  It is that you come to the knowledge of God and you choose to serve him from love.  Had He proved that He existed it would have taken away the progression from very many who did not believe, to such a point that they could no longer say He did not exist.  They would have followed him out of the weight of evidence against them, rather than out of love.  It is necessary that man chooses God through the love of God and that is the only way that it could be so.


In a Sunday newspaper some months ago, they purported to show a photograph of Christ.  I think it was a fake, can you say anything about that?


No, I cannot.


So you are not saying it is a fake?


I would not say either way because I know nothing of this.


Do you think it might be possible to photograph Christ?


Yes, it would be possible if Jesus wished it.  Nothing would be impossible for Him my son.


Would you say it was a good likeness though?


Having not seen it my son, I couldn’t say.  I realise that a lot of you seem to have an impression of us that we, who come back to you, know everything that goes on but we do not.  Like you, if we get to hear or see of these things, we can give an opinion.  I cannot judge anything that I do not know, so I cannot give you an answer to that.


At the last supper when it is said Jesus broke the bread and implied that this was His flesh that they were eating and drank the wine implying this was His blood, did this in fact happen?  I ask because there seems to be such controversy about this.  People are asking questions whether he did in fact originate that ritual.  Also they seem to think it is cannibalistic thing to do and stems from the Druids at an earlier date.  How true is it, did Christ actually do that?


Jesus did indeed sit at the last supper, break the bread and give it to his disciples and say those words.  But perhaps people see more in it than is actually there.  I think the meaning was altogether different, the bread being the bread of life and the wine being the wine of life.  When he did this it was to say to them, whenever you break bread or drink wine do it in remembrance of me, but I do not think it had all the others bits and pieces that have been attached to it.


Am I right in believing that when Judas betrayed Jesus, that was his destiny in life – it had to be, it was meant to be?


Yes, that is so.


So what happened to Judas when he passed over; was he forgiven?


Yes of course, that is a simple thing to answer, because it was planned for Judas to lead Christ to his death.  Everything that occurred had to happen and that was put into Judas’ mind.  But Judas did not do it with any hate.  He thought that Jesus would be able to get Himself out of it and he would be able to take the money and give it to the poor.  That was his intention, but of course it was not God’s intention.  Jesus knew and said to him, “Whatever thou hast to do, do it quickly”, because he knew.


Did he feel great guilt when he passed over?


He felt great guilt before he passed over for he committed suicide.  Of course once he arrived on the other side he was consoled by the answers that were given him.  Judas was made aware that he was chosen to do what he did. Without Judas’s taking that action and the subsequent events that occurred, Jesus would probably have been forgotten a long time ago.  It was all part of the great plan.

If there any no further questions I will say farewell and God bless you.

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