Spiritual Development Teaching | Questions & Answers No. 3

Spiritual Development - Questions and AnswersIn this Aquarius spiritual development teaching Hafed answers Circle members questions on:

  • Disbelief in the divinity of Christ
  • Miracles?
  • Judgement
  • Creation of the universe
  • The missing link between ape and man
  • American/Scientific Recognition of UFO’s

Hafed commences his spiritual development teaching:

What I want you to do is relax and cast aside all the troubles that fill your life and link with the true spirit of God, that Holy Spirit.  Send your love and thoughts asking that peace might come to all nations, but praying especially for the Americans and for your own country.  I will break the meditation when the time is right.


Loving father, we pray for your love to enter the hearts and minds of all your children.  We know Father you are able to do anything, therefore, we would ask you to break the chains that hold your children to evil.  Set them free from those who obsess them in the realms of darkness and from him who seeks to destroy your work.  Raise up your Holy Spirit and let it go abroad in the world so it might transform the minds of man from all the unjust ways inflicted upon your children.  Let him come to see and realise that only by your love can true happiness be accomplished in this world.  Therefore let the ways of peace, truth and justice abound, let the hearts of men soar into the wondrous love that is of you.  Dear Father, let all these things be accomplished in the name of your Son, Jesus the Christ.

Good afternoon and God bless you my children, peace be with you.

I thought today we would continue with the questions we began the last time I was with you, so if there is anyone who would like to ask a question of a spiritual nature then please do so.

Comment from Group Member:

I have recently watched a TV programme concerning the hierarchy and priests of the Christian Anglican Church; it was about their theology and views on the divinity of Christ.  Some of them no longer believe it and yet they stand there, in what I would call a frame of mind that is hypocritical, giving the creed as it has been given over the centuries and yet not believing in what they are saying, forcing the people away from the Church.


It is the antichrist is it not?  You see, those who say this and there are quite a number within the church, do not believe in the divinity of Christ or in the miracles that happened: in the rising from the dead or in the virgin birth.  This stems from the fact that firstly they do not understand what Jesus was or why indeed it was necessary for him to be born through a virgin.  Neither do they understand how it was possible for him to be raised from the dead and walk among the living.  Even though there is testimony to the fact that this is what he did from quite a number of people, not only the disciples but also of Paul and Mary (the prostitute, who Jesus saved from being stoned).  She remained with him and was the first to see him, thinking he was the gardener.

Those who cannot accept these things cannot do so because it is beyond the limitations of their own spiritual awareness.  They have grown into the pattern of materialism and the belief that nothing outside of natural law within this world can happen, because that would be a miracle, beyond the ability of man.  So without realising it, they have also damned God.

While they would say they do not believe these things of Jesus, they forget their God and in effect are saying that God cannot do it either.  Although they do not say so in as many words, that is what they are saying.  If then they believe in God (but not in the miracles of Jesus) why is it not possible for the miracles to happen through the power of God?  If that is possible, why is it impossible for Mary to have given birth to Jesus, without knowing a man?  Why is it not possible that Jesus was raised up from the dead?

If Jesus was not raised up from the dead, neither is anyone.  Or are we saying that it can happen to us, but it was impossible for Jesus.  If then it is impossible for anyone to be raised from the dead, then who is God?  Consequently the whole of the Bible including the New Testament would become a lie, for there are no miracles and there is no life after death.  So their arguments do not stand upon a firm foundation.  If they understood anything about the Lord Jesus and the fact that He was the Son of God, which they dispute, they would know the very reason why He had to be born through a virgin was because he was the Son of God.

If your father is of an earthly kind because you are of the Earth, why is it so impossible for Jesus to have a father who is of Heaven and be born through a virgin.  The very fact that he came among men as the Son of God, made that absolutely vital.  If he had a father of an earthly kind, then he would not have been different from any other man, because that is the law.  He would have been of an earthly spiritual descent, not a heavenly descent.

In that situation how would it have been possible for him to do the miracles that no other man had done?  Wouldn’t man have had the right to ask, “Why have you made us unequal?  Why have you done this injustice to us?”  It was impossible, you see, for that Heavenly power which healed instantly and called forth the dead, to have passed through a carnal body.  It would have destroyed the physical body because it would have been too great.

So you begin to see why it was necessary for Jesus to be born, not of man but of God.  His body was not like yours; it was more in keeping with that higher spiritual make up, which made it possible for Him to use that great power from His Father.  It made it possible for Him to feed the five thousand with so little, to walk upon the water without sinking and to bid the storm to cease.  Have you ever heard of a man doing any of these things?  If you have, please let me know, I would be delighted, but I have not known any man to do these things.

Oh, I suppose it is easy enough to say “Are these things really true, or are they just a figment of peoples’ imagination?”  After all is said and done, two thousand years is a long time ago and things get added and taken away as it is passed from one generation to another.  But because the life of Jesus was so important, God has taken great care to ensure the truth has always been maintained right down the corridors of time down to this present day.

So you must think about those who stood and gave their testimony to the fact that Jesus did all these things.  Not just his disciples who many might think would be ready to say anything about Jesus, as long as they could prove that they were someone special.  But no, that would be totally wrong.  You are forgetting the many thousands who stood and gave testimony to the Lord Jesus, who were not his disciples, but were the children of God, through him, as written in your reading today.

Do you believe they were so ignorant and would go willingly to their deaths by being put to the torch, or by letting wild beasts tear them apart?  All they had to do was simply to deny the existence of Christ and drink the blood to save their lives.  If then that belief within them was not so deep rooted, that it was more than a belief but a known fact that Jesus exists and lived, would they have be willing to die in the cause of Jesus?  Remembering that it was not only themselves who were going to be put to death, but their children as well.

Man might be prepared in some rare cases to accept his own death for a cause, but he would not for his children.  It was because they knew that by taking this course their life would be so much richer, where they were going to go.  Henceforth, that puts down once and for all the question of whether or not there is life after death.  If there was none, why did they voluntarily go their death on a simple name of Jesus?  I do not believe that could be done.

It also confirms that Jesus did indeed have a different birth to you.  He had a royal birth and his Father was God, for had it not have been so, he could never have done the things that he did.  It was impossible for an ordinary man to have done this.  I laugh, because I see so many so-called healers in your world and they say “Oh, there are no such things as miracles!  It is just the working of natural law.”  Yet I fail to see those who have been healed by them.  I fail to see them walking on water, feeding the five thousand and raising the dead.  Yet they have the audacity to say that there is no such thing as a miracle, it is just natural law.  They say it is as if they implement this natural law every hour of the day.  My children, when you hear such things, please turn away.  Those who are manipulating their thoughts are deceiving them and they do not come from the realms of light.  I do hope I have been able to answer your question?

Comment from Group Member:

Yes and you have also answered a supplementary question at the same time!


Well, it is also written in your reading today that by Moses came forth the law and by Jesus Christ came the truth and grace; that is the difference.  Man manipulates the law to mean anything, as indeed you are witnessing in your world today.  Is there anything further?  Are there any other questions?


Your son Dougie (the questioner is referring to the medium) said that Jesus was with us in the room last week.  Can you comment on that please?


Whenever we journey back from the realms of light, we do not do so alone.  We journey back to the room you meet in every week and to you it is a confined space.  In reality, in the world of spirit if you like, this confined space is a wonderful temple of light and the Spirit of Christ sojourns wherever there are those who teach his truths.  Sometimes, that Spirit is far closer than at other times, like for example last week, when the Lord’s presence was felt very clearly by my son (Dougie) and Jesus was present here.

He told you these things so you may take heart and feel within yourselves something of that humbleness, to think that He would come and share a moment with you.  But He does, and not only in this temple, but also in your life as well.  In your daily work, in your pleasures, in your leisure time, He often draws near.  When you raise your voice in his name brother Michael, to preach the Gospel of Truth, you will feel his presence much, much clearer through his love, and you will know that He is there.  He does this that you may know that you serve him.


A little while ago you said that no human being could do the things that Jesus did, because the power would destroy the body.  Yet in the Bible it says that Jesus said that, “Greater things than these shall ye do…”


…… “because you believe in me.”


Providing a person believes in Him, could they do those things, without changing their body?


No, an example of what He meant, can be found at Lourdes, whereby a well came forth through the faith of a little girl.  People went there and washed and they were healed instantly because it held the Holy power.  The miracles which Jesus referred to in ”These things shall you do”, are being carried out in some places, not through the individual but by prayer.  If you go to some of these places where healing occurs through priests and other good souls, you will find that it is always by faith and prayer.  Yes they lay their hands upon those who need the healing, but it is symbolic and does not mean to say the power comes through them.


So the key to what he said was, ‘Greater things shall ye do in My name’.


Yes, it is always so.  In His name, otherwise you cannot do them.


The Bible is full of paradoxes, isn’t it?  There is one apparent paradox I would like to raise with you and get your guidance on.  Jesus said that if someone does you a wrong, you should go to him and tell him what he has done.  If necessary you should escalate matters by raising the issue again with a witness present.  Yet we are also told that we should not judge.  How can you tell someone what you’re thinking, if you’re not judging him in some way?

Comment from another Group Member:

It also says, “Turn the other cheek”.  It does and that appears to be another paradox.



None of them really are; there is truth in all of them.  You see, when we judge it means we have committed the offender to some kind of a sentence.  But there is another kind of judgement, the one made by you.  If someone was spreading lies about you and causing you a great deal of harm, it would not be wrong to say that he had committed an offence against you, but it is not a judgement.  You have told the truth, you have not condemned him to a punishment of any kind.  Jesus said you must go and ask them to stop.

If they don’t, then you must take a witness with you, to show that you have done this.  All this is necessary if the offender will not stop spreading lies, leaving you with no choice but to start some kind of action through the law.  You will be seen as someone who acted generously because you first gave them the opportunity to resolve matters by admitting they were wrong.

You gave them the chance to tell the truth by admitting, “I am sorry, it is lies’”.  So you are not seen to be acting from hate, which of course is a form of judgement.  Hatred is your condemnation of him.  But you must be without hatred because to hate anyone is also to condemn yourself.  You will cause a great wrong within you, which will have its reaction upon the physical and the spiritual laws that govern man.

So Jesus is not telling you to judge them, only to tell him that he has committed an offence against you.  You go to him and explain this and you ask him to be honest and declare what the truth really is.  This is what that statement is all about and it was dealing with those in that time who would seek vengeance rather than forgiveness.  Forgiveness should always be there, but their vengeance of course, was to take a life.  So you understand why he was concerned they should understand the law as it was given and not as man interprets it.

What was it that Moses was supposed to have said?  “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”, but the Lord Himself said, “You have heard an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, which is the old Mosaic Law.  But a new commandment I give unto you ……”

Who is this Jesus to give new commandments, if He is only a man!

“…… that you love one another, even as I have loved you”.  Which is forgiveness and only the Lord can make a new commandment, not a man.  Those who have ears to hear, let them hear, but above all let them first understand.

Are you happy with that answer Michael?

Comment from Group Member:

Yes, very happy, thank you.


How does man’s theory on how the universe was created fit in with how God made the world?  How can we explain this to people?  How does God fit in now that they are discovering radiation waves around the edge of the world, and other such things?


It is like this sister.  Many hundreds of years ago, man roamed the Earth and yet when he looked upon his fellow man he didn’t know how the human body worked.  The inners were hidden from his eyes and he had no knowledge of what was inside, like the heart, the liver, the kidneys and the lungs and what their needs were in order to keep them functioning.  But of course, as time went by man delved into the secrets of the body and discovered that he had all kinds of marvellous things packed away inside this physical frame.  All of them had a function and were so vital to keep the man living.

Although he discovered all these things, one may assume that because he could not find a spirit there, or love there, that they did not exist.  But, you know, he overcame that.  Even Darwin’s theory could not squash the truth.  They never did find the final jump between ape and mankind, and the reason?  Because it does not exist.  Yes, the caveman had a great deal more hair upon his body than you do, but that transformation took place over the course of centuries, because of the change in the way of life and diet.  Nothing else.

So you see, we are now at the very beginning of trying to discover the Universe and how it has been created, and always in the beginning there are a number of explanations.  Now the Bible tells us that God created the Universe and I know God created the Universe, just as he created you.  But as the man of old was incomplete in his assessments of the human body when he began, so too is man today incomplete in his assessment of how the Universe began.  It makes no difference really because the world and the Universe will still be there and the Universe will still carry on growing in spite of mans’ knowledge, whether it be true or false, or a mixture of both.  It matters little.

Let us say, for example, that the Universe was created by a gigantic explosion.  Now something must have begun that explosion.  Regardless of what it was or what kinds or gases or compounds came together to cause that explosion, it must have all come from somewhere.  They didn’t all just present themselves; there must be somewhere from whence they came.  There must have been something that made them.  Who are we to say that it wasn’t God?  Who are we to say that the Universe did not really erupt and come into being by a gigantic explosion?

But it doesn’t mean to say that because it happened, God didn’t create it.  This can only happen in the tiny minds of man, who looked upon the inside of the body of man and found no spirit or love and said “God doesn’t exist.  He didn’t make us because He isn’t there.”  There were those who fully expected to find something of that nature, in the early days and did not.  Just as those in Darwin’s days believing that it was a chain reaction from evolution.

So now we discuss the Universe and we are still stuck in the same frame of mind.  The record goes round still stuck in the same old groove because really they want to disprove God!

Comment from Group Member:

There is one man who was involved in the latest discovery, who says that he cannot believe the arrogance of man who suggests that God does not exist and is not the source of all creation.


God is creation, you see.

Comment from Group Member:

Yes, but at least one man is prepared to stand up for the truth.


Yes, because the man has a greater insight than others.

Comment from Group Member:

It’s down to faith, isn’t it?  If someone lets a firework off you might look around and find the remnants and say that is the cause, but who lit the firework?

Comment from Group Member:

I cannot see that there could have been a big bang.  I find those two words offensive.  God doesn’t work like that, does he?


I think sister that there really was something of that nature.  The point is, it is still happening and God is still creating today.  You must realise the Universe is not just the planets that you see, it is the space that is all around.  The planets are only the things that fill the space and void.  That space and void goes on and on and on; there is no end.  How can there be?  When you come to the end, what will be there and what will be on the other side?  That is how you go on.  So there can be no end and that is a miracle in itself!

Comment from Group Member:

It is baffling isn’t it?  In fact it’s mind blowing; God is the greatest scientist of all time isn’t He?


The point is that man only understands a very small fragment of what the universe represents, what the plan behind it all really is and what exists on other worlds.  Just because he can find no one running in shorts or bikinis, he believes no one is there.

Comment from Group Member:

They’re in a different dimension, aren’t they?


That’s right, completely.  After all, you have fish in the sea and they don’t live like you or me.  I live in a different world again from you and the fish.  You see, Mans’ mind is too small and only when it is vastly enlarged can he understand.  I know there is a gigantic plan that is at work in the Universe through the creation of all these planets and suns and stars.  There are reasons.  There is nothing that does not have a reason for being there; nothing.  Your planet is like a giant space craft, for the whole creation of God’s planets is moving at a tremendous speed through the Universe, as if we are travelling somewhere.

Question from Group Member:

Will the giant plan ever be completed?  Is there a foreseeable end to it, or is it something that will go on forever.


I cannot even begin to conceive what lies behind it, or whether it will ever end


So, you have no idea what the plan is?


None whatsoever.

Comment from Group Member:

What I found exciting this week was the recognition in some parts that flying saucers exist.  One nearly collided with an aircraft.


Oh yes, it is a fact.  I know that they do exist, but you must remember that not all flying saucers are good.

Comment from Group Member:

They say in America that they have captured some sort of craft and I think if they were high spirits that they wouldn’t be able to catch them.  It makes you wonder.


Well, I wonder about that as well.

Comment from Group Member:

They are supposed to have three UFO’s stored which one day they will put on display.


Well, I do not wish to continue with that, for in good time you will come to a rapid knowledge of what that is about.


So it’s all going to happen in the future?


Oh yes, you cannot avoid that.

Comment from Group Member:

It’s moving very fast now, isn’t it?


Oh yes, very fast.


In our lifetime, will we see visitors from other planets come here and communicate with us?


I would not know.  I am not prepared even to speak on that to anyone.


Can you elaborate on all flying saucers not being good?


I have said so.

Comment from Group Member:

There is supposed to be an interplanetary force out in space somewhere, to keep these bad forces outside our range.


Well, they don’t seem to be doing a very good job sister.

Question from Group Member:

So there’s nothing to your knowledge….?


I would probably believe that there is a bad force out there, trying to infiltrate Earth and they are winning.  But I would say that was more to do with old man Satan.  It is better for you to cast out from your minds all of these things which are hearsay.  Fix your mind on the love of Christ and allow him to enter your life and guide you, that you may do your part while you are here.  It is better you serve and accomplish that which you have set out to do, rather than waste your time on negative things from which you accomplish nothing.

I think it is my time to leave.

Farewell little ones.  God bless you and have a safe journey through your life.

This spiritual development teaching ends.


  • Disbelief In The Divinity of Christ
  • Can we do miracles?
  • Judgement
  • Creation Of The Universe
  • The link between ape and man does not exist
  • American/Scientific Recognition of UFO’s

What I want you to do is relax and cast aside all the troubles that fill your life and link with the true spirit of God, that Holy Spirit.Send your love and thoughts asking that peace might come to all nations, but praying especially for the Americans and for your own country.I will break the meditation when the time is right.


Loving father, we pray for your love to enter the hearts and minds of all your children.We know Father you are able to do anything, therefore, we would ask you to break the chains that hold your children to evil.Set them free from those who obsess them in the realms of darkness and from him who seeks to destroy your work.

Raise up your Holy Spirit and let it go abroad in the world so it might transform the minds of man from all the unjust ways inflicted upon your children.Let him come to see and realise that only by your love can true happiness be accomplished in this world.Therefore let the ways of peace, truth and justice abound, let the hearts of men soar into the wondrous love that is of you.Dear Father, let all these things be accomplished in the name of your Son, Jesus the Christ.

Good afternoon and God bless you my children, peace be with you.

I thought today we would continue with the questions we began the last time I was with you, so if there is anyone who would like to ask a question of a spiritual nature then please do so.

Comment from Group Member:

I have recently watched a TV programme concerning the hierarchy and priests of the Christian Anglican Church; it was about their theology and views on the divinity of Christ.Some of them no longer believe it and yet they stand there, in what I would call a frame of mind that is hypocritical, giving the creed as it has been given over the centuries and yet not believing in what they are saying, forcing the people away from the Church.


It is the antichrist is it not?You see, those who say this and there are quite a number within the church, do not believe in the divinity of Christ or in the miracles that happened: in the rising from the dead or in the virgin birth.This stems from the fact that firstly they do not understand what Jesus was or why indeed it was necessary for him to be born through a virgin.Neither do they understand how it was possible for him to be raised from the dead and walk among the living.Even though there is testimony to the fact that this is what he did from quite a number of people, not only the disciples but also of Paul and Mary (the prostitute, who Jesus saved from being stoned).She remained with him and was the first to see him, thinking he was the gardener.Those who cannot accept these things cannot do so because it is beyond the limitations of their own spiritual awareness.They have grown into the pattern of materialism and the belief that nothing outside of natural law within this world can happen, because that would be a miracle, beyond the ability of man.

So without realising it, they have also damned God.While they would say they do not believe these things of Jesus, they forget their God and in effect are saying that God cannot do it either.Although they do not say so in as many words, that is what they are saying.If then they believe in God (but not in the miracles of Jesus) why is it not possible for the miracles to happen through the power of God?If that is possible, why is it impossible for Mary to have given birth to Jesus, without knowing a man?Why is it not possible that Jesus was raised up from the dead?

If Jesus was not raised up from the dead, neither is anyone.Or are we saying that it can happen to us, but it was impossible for Jesus.If then it is impossible for anyone to be raised from the dead, then who is God?Consequently the whole of the Bible including the New Testament would become a lie, for there are no miracles and there is no life after death.So their arguments do not stand upon a firm foundation.If they understood anything about the Lord Jesus and the fact that He was the Son of God, which they dispute, they would know the very reason why He had to be born through a virgin was because he was the Son of God.

If your father is of an earthly kind because you are of the Earth, why is it so impossible for Jesus to have a father who is of Heaven and be born through a virgin.The very fact that he came among men as the Son of God, made that absolutely vital.If he had a father of an earthly kind, then he would not have been different from any other man, because that is the law.He would have been of an earthly spiritual descent, not a heavenly descent.In that situation how would it have been possible for him to do the miracles that no other man had done?Wouldn’t man have had the right to ask, “Why have you made us unequal?Why have you done this injustice to us?”It was impossible, you see, for that Heavenly power which healed instantly and called forth the dead, to have passed through a carnal body.It would have destroyed the physical body because it would have been too great.

So you begin to see why it was necessary for Jesus to be born, not of man but of God.His body was not like yours; it was more in keeping with that higher spiritual make up, which made it possible for Him to use that great power from His Father.It made it possible for Him to feed the five thousand with so little, to walk upon the water without sinking and to bid the storm to cease.Have you ever heard of a man doing any of these things?If you have, please let me know, I would be delighted, but I have not known any man to do these things.Oh, I suppose it is easy enough to say “Are these things really true, or are they just a figment of peoples’ imagination?”After all is said and done, two thousand years is a long time ago and things get added and taken away as it is passed from one generation to another.But because the life of Jesus was so important, God has taken great care to ensure the truth has always been maintained right down the corridors of time down to this present day.

So you must think about those who stood and gave their testimony to the fact that Jesus did all these things.Not just his disciples who many might think would be ready to say anything about Jesus, as long as they could prove that they were someone special.But no, that would be totally wrong.You are forgetting the many thousands who stood and gave testimony to the Lord Jesus, who were not his disciples, but were the children of God, through him, as written in your reading today.Do you believe they were so ignorant and would go willingly to their deaths by being put to the torch, or by letting wild beasts tear them apart?All they had to do was simply to deny the existence of Christ and drink the blood to save their lives.If then that belief within them was not so deep rooted, that it was more than a belief but a known fact that Jesus exists and lived, would they have be willing to die in the cause of Jesus?Remembering that it was not only themselves who were going to be put to death, but their children as well.Man might be prepared in some rare cases to accept his own death for a cause, but he would not for his children.It was because they knew that by taking this course their life would be so much richer, where they were going to go.Henceforth, that puts down once and for all the question of whether or not there is life after death.If there was none, why did they voluntarily go their death on a simple name of Jesus?I do not believe that could be done.It also confirms that Jesus did indeed have a different birth to you.He had a royal birth and his Father was God, for had it not have been so, he could never have done the things that he did.It was impossible for an ordinary man to have done this.

I laugh, because I see so many so-called healers in your world and they say “Oh, there are no such things as miracles!It is just the working of natural law.”Yet I fail those who have been healed by them.I fail to see them walking on water, feeding the five thousand and raising the dead.Yet they have the audacity to say that there is no such thing as a miracle, it is just natural law.They say it is as if they implement this natural law every hour of the day.My children, when you hear such things, please turn away.Those who are manipulating their thoughts are deceiving them and they do not come from the realms of light.I do hope I have been able to answer your question?

Comment from Group Member:

Yes and you have also answered a supplementary question at the same time!


Well, it is also written in your reading today that by Moses came forth the law and by Jesus Christ came the truth and grace; that is the difference.Man manipulates the law to mean anything, as indeed you are witnessing in your world today.

Is there anything further?Are there any other questions?

Question from Group Member:

Your son Dougie (the questioner is referring to the medium) said that Jesus was with us in the room last week.Can you comment on that please?


Whenever we journey back from the realms of light, we do not do so alone.We journey back to the room you meet in every week and to you it is a confined space.In reality, in the world of spirit if you like, this confined space is a wonderful temple of light and the Spirit of Christ sojourns wherever there are those who teach his truths.Sometimes, that Spirit is far closer than at other times, like for example last week, when the Lord’s presence was felt very clearly by my son (Dougie) and Jesus was present here.He told you these things so you may take heart and feel within yourselves something of that humbleness, to think that He would come and share a moment with you.But He does, and not only in this temple, but also in your life as well.In your daily work, in your pleasures, in your leisure time, He often draws near.When you raise your voice in his name brother Michael, to preach the Gospel of Truth, you will feel his presence much, much clearer through his love, and you will know that He is there.He does this that you may know that you serve him.

Question from Group Member:

A little while ago you said that no human being could do the things that Jesus did, because the power would destroy the body.Yet in the Bible it says that Jesus said that, “Greater things than these shall ye do…”


…… “because you believe in me.”

Question from Group Member:

Providing a person believes in Him, could they do those things, without changing their body?


No, an example of what He meant, can be found at Lourdes, whereby a well came forth through the faith of a little girl.People went there and washed and they were healed instantly because it held the Holy power.The miracles which Jesus referred to in ”These things shall you do”, are being carried out in some places, not through the individual but by prayer.If you go to some of these places where healing occurs through priests and other good souls, you will find that it is always by faith and prayer.Yes they lay their hands upon those who need the healing, but it is symbolic and does not mean to say the power comes through them.

Question from Group Member:

So the key to what he said was, ‘Greater things shall ye do in My name’.


Yes, it is always so.In His name, otherwise you cannot do them.

Are there any further questions?

Question from Group Member:

The Bible is full of paradoxes, isn’t it?There is one apparent paradox I would like to raise with you and get your guidance on.

Jesus said that if someone does you a wrong, you should go to him and tell him what he has done.If necessary you should escalate matters by raising the issue again with a witness present.Yet we are also told that we should not judge.How can you tell someone what you’re thinking, if you’re not judging him in some way?

Comment from another Group Member:

It also says, “Turn the other cheek”.

It does and that appears to be another paradox.


None of them really are; there is truth in all of them.You see, when we judge it means we have committed the offender to some kind of a sentence.But there is another kind of judgement, the one made by you.

If someone was spreading lies about you and causing you a great deal of harm, it would not be wrong to say that he had committed an offence against you, but it is not a judgement.You have told the truth, you have not condemned him to a punishment of any kind.Jesus said you must go and ask them to stop.If they don’t, then you must take a witness with you, to show that you have done this.All this is necessary if the offender will not stop spreading lies, leaving you with no choice but to start some kind of action through the law.You will be seen as someone who acted generously because you first gave them the opportunity to resolve matters by admitting they were wrong.You gave them the chance to tell the truth by admitting, “I am sorry, it is lies’”.

So you are not seen to be acting from hate, which of course is a form of judgement.Hatred is your condemnation of him.But you must be without hatred because to hate anyone is also to condemn yourself.You have caused a great wrong within you, which will have its reaction upon the physical and the spiritual laws that govern man.

So Jesus is not telling you to judge them, only to tell him that he has committed an offence against you.You go to him and explain this and you ask him to be honest and declare what the truth really is.This is what that statement is all about and it was dealing with those in that time who would seek vengeance rather than forgiveness.Forgiveness should always be there, but their vengeance of course, was to take a life.So you understand why he was concerned they should understand the law as it was given and not as man interprets it.

What was it that Moses was supposed to have said?“An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”, but the Lord Himself said, “You have heard an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, which is the old Mosaic Law.But a new commandment I give unto you ……”

Who is this Jesus to give new commandments, if He is only a man!

“…… that you love one another, even as I have loved you”.Which is forgiveness and only the Lord can make a new commandment, not a man.Those who have ears to hear, let them hear, but above all let them first understand.

Are you happy with that answer Michael?

Comment from Group Member:

Yes, very happy, thank you.


Are there any more questions please?

Question from Group Member:

How does man’s theory on how the universe was created fit in with how God made the world?How can we explain this to people?How does God fit in now that they are discovering radiation waves around the edge of the world, and other such things?


It is like this sister.Many hundreds of years ago, man roamed the Earth and yet when he looked upon his fellow man he didn’t know how the human body worked.The inners were hidden from his eyes and he had no knowledge of what was inside, like the heart, the liver, the kidneys and the lungs and what their needs were in order to keep them functioning.But of course, as time went by man delved into the secrets of the body and discovered that he had all kinds of marvellous things packed away inside this physical frame.All of them had a function and were so vital to keep the man living.

Although he discovered all these things, one may assume that because he could not find a spirit there, or love there, that they did not exist.But, you know, he overcame that.Even Darwin’s theory could not squash the truth.They never did find the final jump between ape and mankind, and the reason?Because it does not exist.Yes, the caveman had a great deal more hair upon his body than you do, but that transformation took place over the course of centuries, because of the change in the way of life and diet.Nothing else.

So you see, we are now at the very beginning of trying to discover the Universe and how it has been created, and always in the beginning there are a number of explanations.Now the Bible tells us that God created the Universe and I know God created the Universe, just as he created you.But as the man of old was incomplete in his assessments of the body when he began, so too is man today incomplete in his assessment of how the Universe began.It makes no difference really because the world and the Universe will still be there and the Universe will still carry on growing in spite of mans’ knowledge, whether it be true or false, or a mixture of both.It matters little.Let us say, for example, that the Universe was created by a gigantic explosion.Now something must have begun that explosion.Regardless of what it was or what kinds or gases or compounds came together to cause that explosion, it must have all come from somewhere.They didn’t all just present themselves; there must be somewhere from whence they came.There must have been something that made them.Who are we to say that it wasn’t God?Who are we to say that the Universe did not really erupt and come into being by a gigantic explosion?

But it doesn’t mean to say that because it happened, God didn’t create it.This can only happen in the tiny minds of man, who looked upon the inside of the body of man and found no spirit or love and said “God doesn’t exist.He didn’t make us because He isn’t there.”There were those who fully expected to find something of that nature, in the early days and did not.Just as those in Darwin’s days believing that it was a chain reaction from evolution.

So now we discuss the Universe and we are still stuck in the same frame of mind.The record goes round still stuck in the same old groove because really they want to disprove God!

Comment from Group Member:

There is one man who was involved in the latest discovery, who says that he cannot believe the arrogance of man who suggests that God does not exist and is not the source of all creation.


God is creation, you see.

Comment from Group Member:

Yes, but at least one man is prepared to stand up for the truth.


Yes, because the man has a greater insight than others.

Comment from Group Member:

It’s down to faith, isn’t it?If someone lets a firework off you might look around and find the remnants and say that is the cause, but who lit the firework?

Comment from Group Member:

I cannot see that there could have been a big bang.I find those two words offensive.God doesn’t work like that, does he?


I think sister that there really was something of that nature.The point is, it is still happening and God is still creating today.You must realise the Universe is not just the planets that you see, it is the space that is all around.

The planets are only the things that fill the space and void.That space and void goes on and on and on; there is no end.How can there be?When you come to the end, what will be there and what will be on the other side?That is how you go on.So there can be no end and that is a miracle in itself!

Comment from Group Member:

It is baffling isn’t it?In fact it’s mind blowing; God is the greatest scientist of all time isn’t He?


The point is that man only understands a very small fragment of what the universe represents, what the plan behind it all really is and what exists on other worlds.Just because he can find no one running in shorts or bikinis, he believes no one is there.

Comment from Group Member:

They’re in a different dimension, aren’t they?


That’s right, completely.After all, you have fish in the sea and they don’t live like you or me.I live in a different world again from you and the fish.You see, Mans’ mind is too small and only when it is vastly enlarged can he understand.

I know there is a gigantic plan that is at work in the Universe through the creation of all these planets and suns and stars.There are reasons.There is nothing that does not have a reason for being there; nothing.Your planet is like a giant space craft, for the whole creation of God’s planets are moving at a tremendous speed through the Universe, as if we are travelling somewhere.

Question from Group Member:

Will the giant plan ever be completed?Is there a foreseeable end to it, or is it something that will go on forever.


I cannot even begin to conceive what lies behind it, or whether it will ever end.

Question from Group Member:

So, you have no idea what the plan is?


None whatsoever.

Comment from Group Member:

What I found exciting this week was the recognition in some parts that flying saucers exist.One nearly collided with an aircraft.


Oh yes, it is a fact.I know that they do exist, but you must remember that not all flying saucers are good.

Comment from Group Member:

They say in America that they have captured some sort of craft and I think if they were high spirits that they wouldn’t be able to catch them.It makes you wonder.


Well, I wonder about that as well.

Comment from Group Member:

They are supposed to have three UFO’s stored which one day they put on display.


Well, I do not wish to continue with that, for in good time you will come to a rapid knowledge of what that is about.

Question from Group Member

So it’s all going to happen in the future?


Oh yes, you cannot avoid that.

Comment from Group Member:

It’s moving very fast now, isn’t it?


Oh yes, very fast.

Question from Group Member:

In our lifetime, will we see visitors from other planets come here and communicate with us?


I would not know.I am not prepared even to speak on that to anyone.

Question from Group Member:

Can you elaborate on all flying saucers not being good?


I have said so.

Comment from Group Member:

There is supposed to be an interplanetary force out in space somewhere, to keep these bad forces outside our range.


Well, they don’t seem to be doing a very good job sister.

Question from Group Member:

So there’s nothing to your knowledge….?


I would probably believe that there is a bad force out there, trying to infiltrate Earth and they are winning.But I would say that was more to do with old man Satan.It is better for you to cast out from your minds all of these things which are hearsay.Fix your mind on the Love of Christ and allow him to enter your life and guide you, that you may do your part while you are here.It is better you serve and accomplish that which you have set out to do, rather than waste your time on negative things from which you accomplish nothing.

I think it is my time to leave.

Farewell little ones.Farewell, God bless you and have a safe journey through your life.

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