Spiritual Development Teachings – Questions & Answers No. 1

Spiritual Development Questions and Answers

In this Spiritual Development Q&A session, Hafed responds to the following questions:

  • What is Paradise?
  • If God Created Everything Did He Also Create Evil?
  • How Should We Use The Power of Thought To Create Salvation.

The Spiritual Development Questions begin:

What is Paradise and can it be created in this world?


Paradise is not so much a place, it is a place waiting to be created and of course if that is the case, Paradise can be accomplished down here but it would be extremely difficult to do.


Couldn’t you build a wall around you and make your own Paradise?


The only way you could do that here is to completely cut yourself off from the outside world and create a condition within you that had all the sweetness of Heaven.  What do you think the main qualities are if you are to build Paradise?  What do you think you would need?

Answer given by Aquarius group member:

You would need love, peace of mind, contentment and love ones with you to share.


They are a few and will do for the time being because out of them you may create other things too.  For all these things are to become the very foundation and existence of Paradise.  This is what you must build upon to create that environment in which you could say you live in Paradise.  You could not go to the extreme of saying that Paradise is here in this world.  It would have to be a separate condition that you have created out of those qualities of spirit and built upon them the foundations and the environment that are totally different from the conditions of Earth.  In no way could you possibly include anything that is here and say this is Paradise.  All things here are subject to decay, subject to pollution, both in the poisonous things which man injects into his world and also the poisons that come from his mind in the form of greed, hatred and selfishness – things of that nature.  None of those have the quality that you require to build Paradise.  I am not saying that it could not be done, for it can be done, but it would be extremely difficult.

I want you to know that in the beginning, before man fell from grace, he lived in Paradise and it was just a little way away from the world.  When the condition of Paradise was darkened and split up by another force entering into that environment which was not akin to its maker and thus destroyed it.  Consequently man fell from grace to Earth, which God had primarily created for the animal kingdom, but we came to share Earth with them because we had fallen to that animal status where man’s own nature became of the same order as the animals.

We needed to learn then why it was that God said, “You may eat of every tree, but not the one that grows in the middle of the garden”.  We had directly broken His word; we were disobedient and had to be punished.  Not to say that God wants us to be obedient to his every wish or whim, there is so much more in it all this than just that.  God knows that unless you respect and follow the order of life and the environment in which you live then you will be subject to great danger.  For you will destroy the fabric of your world and in turn will destroy yourselves.  Indeed this is what is taking place in your world for are you not destroying the very environment you so depend upon for life?

So you see when you ask me “Is it possible to build paradise here?”  I say to you that unless man does do this he has lost his battle because the world will decay and crumble and indeed the life substance he needs will no longer be there.  Do not say to me he has lost it for that is a defeatist way of looking at things and you are doing so without the knowledge of God.  God has no intention that man should lose the battle, indeed he has a plan to bring man to salvation and so shall it come to pass.

I will not say every soul will be saved for many have already perished, but I will say that all those who are of a like mind and of a gentle nature and are akin to that brother whom we call Lord of all, they will find their way home.  They will be given the bricks of Paradise to build a world which is fit for the meek.  I am giving you all of this and I am very naughty for it was not my intention to come and speak to you upon these matters.  It was my intention to come and answer some of your questions, so I will leave this now unless any of you take it up as a question.


Is Paradise the same as the Golden Age?


Yes brother, it is one and the same.  If you recall, many years ago I said that I would one day come and speak to you about the Golden Age.  Can you not see brother how far away we were from the idea, ideologies and the perfection of the Golden Age so it could not have been given then because the full text was not in your mind?  But now over the years you have been gradually led this way until the values of the Golden Age are taking shape within you and within your thoughts.  For this is the way that it happens, it is by the power of your thought that you create.

When I speak to you about the bricks of the Golden Age I do not mean bricks made of cement and sand, but rather the bricks of power provided by the qualities of your soul, in thought, to bring it into being and breathe life into it.  All those who are enclosed within that power, live in the Golden Age.

Of course the Golden Age is totally free from the discomforts that you wear upon your mind, heart and your body, here and now.  They can be dissolved.  In the first instance it was never God’s intention that man should suffer in this way, it was Mans’ choice, never God’s choice.  As soon as man is ready to accept that very first thought as a seed to the great life that can be his, then God is willing and waiting to push him in that direction.  Are there any more questions?


In one of your previous talks you said that mans’ thinking was all wrong and you referred to the power of thought generated with the power of salvation. What did you mean by this?


I do not know the full text of what you are referring to but if I may say these things for you to understand.  The power of thought is creative (it creates) and you may use that form of creation in whichever way you choose; for good or for bad.  If you choose bad, you can already see the results which are plain to see in your world today.  If you choose good, then you are using your thoughts for the creation of salvation, do you see that?  For salvation will not only come to the individual, but it is up to the individual with the power of God, to work for the salvation of all men.  To free him from the ignorance and darkness in which he lives, so he may turn his thoughts from the dark to the light side of his nature and create for the good of all mankind.  Wouldn’t it be a wonderful thing if tomorrow morning the world woke up, alive to the reality of God and the full potential that lies within man, in the gifts of the spirit and the power of his thinking?  It would make manifest a world of freedom for all God’s children.  They would no longer want for anything and disease, anguish, fear and suffering of any description would be gone forever.  Then the world would prosper and grow in the beauty that God first set it down in.  When nature ruled supreme with all her children arrayed in the earth each Spring and Summer – the flowers, grass and tall trees.  All of this is, and will be, part of your true nature because this is the true nature of God.  You do not see a tree jump out to mug flowers, do you?


Is it a part of selflessness?


Yes, totally.  You must free yourself of every dirty morsel of thought that impairs and creates those conditions that bring unhappiness.  Do you understand?


Can I ask what might appear to be a disrespectful question?


Ask what you will.


God created all things, including mankind.  Why was it necessary for Him to create us with a dark side as well as a good side?  Because He created us in this way, could it not be said that He also created evil?


Yes, I understand your question and what is in your mind.  Of course you know that unless you have a choice there is no progression.  If you take the only road that leads to God (and there are no other roads to take) it would inevitably lead you back to God, but you would have done so without being either tried or tested.  Indeed it has always been God’s purpose, since man fell from grace, that he should know why he had to come to Earth to fight the battle of life.  For if he chooses to become as God then he must have the understanding of God and be able to use his power as God would.  The only way he can do this is to discover right and wrong for himself and what is best for him.  When he discovers this he will find that it cannot be for him alone, but must be for all mankind and thus he begins to work to that end.  It may be in the same way as I or my son (the medium), or you when you too take up the challenge and bear the cross before you.  Or it may be simply to state opinions and beliefs to your friends.  It is a change from the harshness of character and nature which belongs to the physical body, to the soft and gentle nature that belongs to the God man which he is striving to become.

Yes indeed you may ask, “Did God create evil?”  No, he did not, because the two comparisons have always been there.  Just as two and two make four and didn’t need anyone to create that, for it existed, so you have light and dark, good and evil, love and hate.  They exist because you exist and you must choose.  The evil will teach you about the good and the good will teach you about the evil.  Now that may sound very strange but it is quite true; both of them teach you about the other.  They did not need to be created, they simply are.

So you continue through your life and through the exchanges of your experiences, you come to a better way – you come to the God man’s way.  It is written, “Know ye not that you are all Gods”, so must you become and because of that you must learn the way of the light, truth and love.  For the darkness shows you what is there for you in the paths of evil.  If your nature says it is suffering and I seek for peace then it will turn you to the light.  For only in the light will you find the joy and happiness you seek.  However, even though you have come to know what it is that you are seeking for, it will not shield you against darkness.  Rather it brings that force of power viciously against what you are striving to achieve, for it is like the fires of hell burning within you and turning you to pure gold.  Out of that will come a total aversion for all that which is of a destructive nature.

They are the two powers that are there and you may give life to either one of them.  You will not find any of the prophets or holy men in times past that had an easy life.  They and things that they believed in were constantly being challenged because it was the way they wished to live their lives.  It was their spirit, fight and strength within to do what is good, that overcame the powers of darkness, which threatened to take away their very existence.  It cannot do that.  To him who overcomes, all things are possible and there is no regression.

In your world it is a typical view that God created everything but He did not.  A lot of things do not need to be created, they are just naturally there.  If I could find a better way of using your words to put it more clearly I would.  It defies the use of words to describe exactly what I mean.  All I can say is that they are there because they are there.  I can give you no other answer than that.  Both of them (good and evil), will in their turn teach you about the other.  Out of that you will exercise your freedom of choice and you will surely choose the light.  Of course there are always some who will never choose the light because they have gone too deeply into the darkness.  It is written that a person may become as “Ugly as sin” and that is what they have become.  When this happens they no longer have the common sense to see what is happening.  They are governed completely by the force of darkness which controls their lives; they have become absorbed in it all.

You have the land and you have the sea, one is dry and one is wet.  You can live in the sea or you can live on land; invariably the sea will take your life because it is not conducive to the environment of your body.  If you live on the land, through your own choice you can also lose your life, if you seek to do things that are contrary to the laws of the land.  I think I have already stated earlier today that this is what man is doing.


Can I ask you about the questions that were answered from space recently?  Do you have any knowledge about the answers?


I have knowledge, yes.


Would you be prepared to part with it?


No.  Upon your question sister, I will give it thought and if I am allowed to give an answer, I will do so.  No more questions now.  Time has gone swiftly, I had hoped to answer more questions.  The length of each answer depends upon the type of question, and if a full answer is to be given then it will take time.

I will bid you good day, one and all.  God be with you.

Hafed’s spiritual development questions and answers ends.

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